April Showers, Cosy Hours: A Rainy Day Guide

April Showers, Cosy Hours: A Rainy Day Guide

Every year we embrace April with a plea bargain that, as long as we get to enjoy some springtime sunshine, we can handle a few rainy days. Somewhat charmingly, it’s the only month we truly welcome the undeniable allure of the raindrop’s pitter-patter against the windows. While outdoor adventures might be on hold (unless you can brave another load of muddy washing), there’s plenty of magic to be found indoors, all while staying in your pyjamas.

So why not turn those dreary April showers into cosy hours of bonding using our rainy day guide below?

Next time the heavens open, seize the opportunity to turn a wet and rainy day into one of joy and togetherness. Shop our cosy pyjama collection at www.cyberjammies.co.uk.