Sleep positions....What do they mean and which one is best for you?
There is no one size fits all when it comes to the position you sleep in. You’ll probably notice, you asleep on your side or your back but wake up in a completely different position. Each position you sleep in has a different impact on your body, different positions can also have different health benefits…let’s talk through some of the most popular!
- Sleeping on your front only has a couple of positives, it can reduce snoring and sleep apnea. Unfortunately sleeping on your front is not recommended, it can be very hard on your neck and back, front sleepers are always urged to change their sleeping position when pregnant. However if you can't go a night without sleeping on your front, we would recommend adding some morning stretches into your routine, this will help reduce the stress your neck or back is facing during the night.
- There are two popular ways that we tend to sleep on our backs, with our arms raised, commonly known as ‘The Shooting Star’ and with our arms beside us, known as ‘The Sleeping Solider’. If you snore or have sleep apnea this position will only make things worse, your tongue will naturally move to the back of your throat which restricts your airways. If you have a partner who’s snoring keeps you awake it would be best to roll them off of their back and onto their side to avoid another sleepless night. It is recommended that those with pre-existing back pain avoid this position as it can worsen over time. However, sleeping on your back does have it’s benefits, if you suffer with acid reflux and tension headaches sleeping on your back will offer some relief. People with chronic conditions will find sleeping on their back reduces pressure and compression and it’s said to decrease the chance of premature wrinkles, we won't say no to that!
- Sleeping on your side has some of the best health benefits. Health experts advise sleeping on the left hand side of your body as it aids digestion, boosts brain health and reduces effects of heartburn and acid reflux. If you suffer with sleep apnea or snoring this is the best position for you to avoid keeping your partner awake! There are a few downsides, sleeping exclusively on one side can cause jaw or shoulder stiffness and contribute to premature wrinkles! However swapping sides now and again should alieviate this. A top tip for side sleepers, if you put a pillow between your legs it will help align your hips and avoid potential lower back pain.
- You’d be surprised to learn that the fetal position is the most popular sleeping position in adults with 4 In 10 people saying that they choose this cosy pose at night. This position is known for having little to no downsides. Some say you could put a little strain on your neck and back, however a good pillow and mattress would eliminate that. It’s benefits include little to no sleep interruptions and snoring and it is the recommended position for pregnancy.
- Co-sleeping isn't hugely popular but there are couples who prefer this cosy position! Sleeping close to your partner can help you drift off faster, lower stress by releasing oxytocin and help create a closer bond emotionally. However, it does come with it’s downsides, couples who sleep cuddling tend to wake more often during the night and are at risk of becoming less confident sleepers when alone after using their partner as a safety blanket to fall asleep. It is recommended that if you do want to cuddle at night, you do this before falling asleep, then make sure to separate off to the opposite sides of the bed when you feel yourself drifting off.