Staying Productive in Winter
Moody mornings and dark evenings can leave us feeling sluggish and sleepy, one of the main reasons why we all find it so difficult to stay motivated in winter. It can feel extremely tempting to stay in your PJs all day when the weather is icy cold and the heavens have opened. Although pyjama days are what Fable and Eve live for, we also thought we out to share three simple ways to keep you productive on winter days (for when you need it)…
- Make a date with nature... Hit your step count before the day has started by dedicating just thirty minutes in the morning to step outside. Breaking a sweat outdoors can leave you with a stronger sense of revitalisation, more energy and less confusion, anger and depression. Any kind of exercise can be great for stress relief. It’s said that exercising in the midst of nature can be a particularly powerful antidote to lower stress hormones whilst also burning calories, ultimately helping get your day off on the right foot.
- Start a hobby... From crochet to puzzles, colouring or knitting Christmas cosies, starting a creative hobby can help exercise parts of your brain that don’t usually get as much playtime in your usual day-to-day life and thus allowing the work/home part of your brain to take a break. When the time does come to work, your brain is ready to go.
- Plan ahead... The hectic nature of our everyday lives with so many commitments and so little free time means we naturally reach for quick fixes like caffeine and fast food. What we put into our bodies and how hard we make them work affects every aspect of our health and well-being, from weight to sleep patterns. Try to plan your meals, socialising activities and gym sessions ahead of the week. This way, when you do get to relax, it will feel much more rewarding.